s p r i t z : p r o s e c c o + a p e r o | c a m p a r i | s e l e c t + s o d a w a t e r + o l i v e
all my trips since erasmus' year in Venice 2007|08... all about having fun, knowing different places, people; about architecture, photography, drawing, feelings, friends... everything i believe are "ora di spritz" moments!

22 March 2009

«Mountain, stone, water - building in the stone, building with stone, into the mountain, building out of the mountain, being inside the mountain - how can the implications and the sensuality in the association of these words be interpreted, architecturally? The whole concept was designed by following up these questions; so that it all took form step by step.»

Peter Zumthor

equisso de Peter Zumthor para as termas

Esteja sol ou a nevar, dia ou noite, muita ou pouca gente, com ou sem ruídos e conversas, as termas vivem de uma atmosfera que não melhora nem piora com o tempo ou a quantidade de pessoas... simplesmente muda e de cada vez com uma magia diferente...

Peter Zumthor, Termas de Vals, Vals, Suiça, 1996

p.s. as fotos não fazem justiça...foram tiradas à socapa!!!

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